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UX Speaker Series

Annually in winter quarter, the Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering hosts a 10-week seminar series on User Experience (UX), where we welcome industry experts to speak about current topics in the field. 

2025 UX Speaker Series

 Thursdays, Winter Quarter
January 9 – March 13
4:30 – 5:20 p.m.
Gowen Hall, room 201

Presentations are open to the public. Most talks will be recorded, and videos will be added to this webpage within a few days after each presentation. Talk details are added as they are available.

January 16
Bekah Marcum


Design Lead for Product Equity, Meta

Designing for Inclusivity

Senior Consumer Insights Qualitative Researcher & Design Researcher, Brooks Running

Empowering Decisions with Consumer Insights: A Brooks Running Approach

Senior Product Designer, Viget

Product Design at an Agency
Note this talk will be held over Zoom.

Founder & CEO, Modern Species

What Will You Stand For? 

February 27
Helen Storey


Public Health Scientist and Program Advisor, PATH

The role of HCD in advancing health technologies for low resource settings

Co-Founder & Chief Design Officer, Aurelia Institute
Research Affiliate, MIT Space Exploration Initiative
Designing a Meaningful Life in Space: Human-Centered Design for Human Spaceflight