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Capstone Showcase

2024 HCDE Capstone Showcase

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The University of Washington's Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering held its annual Capstone Showcase on May 31, 2024. This year's showcase featured 50 final projects from graduating master's and bachelor's students, on projects related to health; work; entertainment and play; civics, community, and the environment; service design; travel and transport; artificial intelligence; and VR/MR/AR. View the 2024 project videos here.

Now accepting capstone project proposals for 2025

A team of HCDE typically spends 100+ hours on their Capstone experience. If you have a design project that would benefit from a fresh human-centered perspective, learn more and propose a 2025 Capstone project here.
Contact Melissa Ewing, HCDE Outreach Manager, at