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Give to HCDE

Give to HCDE

HCDE's Fundraising Priorities

These priorities represent key areas where you can make a difference given the emerging needs of the Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering (HCDE) in the 2024–2025 academic year.

HCDE Student Emergency Support Fund

The Kientz & Patel HCDE Emergency Student Support Fund provides emergency financial support to HCDE students who have applied for a need-based grant.

HCDE Fund for Excellence

Fosters excellence and vision for students, faculty, and curricular programs in HCDE.

HCDE Excellence through Diversity Fund

Enhances diversity initiatives in HCDE with a focus on recruiting, mentoring, and partnership-building.

Additional HCDE Funds

David Farkas Endowed Fund for Undergraduate Student Support
Supports HCDE undergraduate students with financial need.

Donna M. Sakson Endowed Scholarship
Provides financial support for undergraduate HCDE students who have an interest in pursuing a career in business or who are taking courses in business.

Donna M. Sakson Endowed Scholarship for Excellence through Diversity
Provides financial assistance to HCDE students with a focus on students from underrepresented populations or economically disadvantaged backgrounds.

Equity in Design Scholarship in HCDE
Supports undergraduates in HCDE.

HCDE Alumni Leadership Board Fund
Supports events and activities for HCDE alumni and current students

HCDE Faculty Support Fund
Provides broad-based support to faculty in HCDE.

HCDE Outreach Fund
Provides support for HCDE outreach programming such as working with students in Kindergarten through 12th grade.

HCDE Undergraduate Scholarships
Supports scholarships to HCDE undergraduate students.

Supports the programs and activities of the HCDE Corporate Affiliates Program and facilitate the cultivation of relationships between industry and HCDE.

HCI and Accessibility Research Fund
Supports research in human-computer interaction and accessibility, including but not limited to accessible computing, mobile and wearable technologies, human-centered AI, and human-computer interaction, as well as future unknown technologies connected to human-computer interaction and accessibility.

HCDE Development Fund
Advances the mission of HCDE within the College of Engineering.

HCDE Tailoring Motivators
Supports the research currently being done by Professor Gary Hsieh for Tailoring Motivators.

Humanitarian Relief Systems
Supports interdisciplinary research and education in HCDE through the application of information and communication systems to aid international humanitarian relief.

James G. Prekeges Endowed Fund in the Department of Technical Communication
Supports HCDE in the College of Engineering.

James W. Souther Endowed Fund
Honors the co-founder of the Technical Communication Department, now the Department of HCDE. Enriches education by supporting travel to conferences, guest lectures, and special projects beyond the classroom.

Judy Ramey Student Research Fund
Provides funding to assist students in research activities within HCDE.

Mary B. Coney Endowed Fund
Supports activities of students in HCDE, including travel to conferences and international workshops.

Michael and Sirina Berg Endowed Fund for Leadership in HCDE
Offsets the cost of tuition for undergraduate and/or graduate students in HCDE. Preference for recipients who have a demonstrated interest and play an active role in advancing the research and career interests of women in HCDE.

Myron L. White Endowment Fund
Honors the co-founder of the Technical Communication Department, now the Department of HCDE. Enriches education by supporting travel to conferences, guest lectures, and special projects beyond the classroom.

Neon Blackboard Term Fellowship in HCDE
Provides financial assistance to graduate students in HCDE, with a preference to support students with a demonstrated commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, which may include participation in a student organization or school-sponsored program, such as the National Society of Black Engineers.

Social Action Term Fellowship in HCDE
Provides broad-based financial support to MS and PHD students in HCDE with a preference to support students whose research or area of study demonstrates a commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion in the field of design.

Spyridakis Leadership Fund
Creates the next generation of leaders in HCDE by building industry connections, supporting mentoring programs, and fostering student and faculty leadership through participation in regional, national, and international events.

Stephanie Rosenbaum and Judith Ramey Endowed Distinguished Lecture Series in Usability
Brings distinguished speakers/scholars working in the broad area of usability and user-centered design, as it is practiced in human centered design & engineering, technical communication, computer science, information science, information design, and related disciplines. 

William S. Croft Endowed Fund for Undergraduate Support
Provides broad-based direct financial support to undergraduate students with financial need in HCDE with a preference for students who are interested in flight controls and/or aeronautical design.

Your gift to the Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering through the University of Washington Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, is tax deductible. The Foundation's Federal EIN is 94-3079432.


Are you an employee of Microsoft, Boeing, or Google? 

Expand your gift to HCDE with your employee matching gift programs.

Support Spotlights

Here are examples of how UW HCDE alums and friends are giving back to support students and the next generation of design education.

Jill and Rod visiting the campus in 2018

Endowed Fellowship established by HCDE alumna Jill DeMarco

HCDE alumna Jill Demarco (MS TC ’96) and her husband, Rod Wentworth (DDS ’81), established an endowed fellowship in HCDE through their estate plans to provide financial support for HCDE undergraduate and graduate students. DeMarco wants future HCDE students to have the same good fortune she did when she went through the Technical Communication program.

Julie and Shwetak

HCDE Emergency Student Support Fund established by Prof. Julie Kientz

In recognition of the financial burden HCDE students face, HCDE Professor and Chair Julie Kientz and her husband, Professor Shwetak Patel, established an emergency student support fund to aid students facing near-term financial hardship. Kientz remembers her own moments of financial distress while in school and now wants to support students who may be in crisis situations .


HCDE Individual Donors

HCDE thanks the following individuals and corporations for their financial support of departmental programs, scholarships, and student opportunities between 2023 and 2024.

HCDE Legacy Donors

Lifetime recognition of donors who have contributed estate gifts to HCDE:
Judith Ramey
Rod Wentworth & R. Jill DeMarco

2023 – 2024 HCDE Donors

Ross Abplanalp
Jenny Acevedo-Barga
Tamara Adlin
Elena Agapie
Petronio Alcantara
Aiza Ali
Negin Alimohammadi
Kevin Anderson & Monica Carstens
Shiva Anem
Aleenah Ansari
Judd Antin
Ahmer Arif
Cynthia Atman
Kendall Avery
Cristina & Jerrold Bailet
Joanna Bailet
Elisabeth Banse
Robyn Baroh
Jennifer Barrick
Ricky Basconcillo
Annalise Beck
Michael & Sirina Berg
Sandra Bilbrey
Colin & Holly Birge
Elin Björling
Heather Bloyer
Kathryn Brookshier
Emma Bulajewski
Sheryl Cababa & Kyle Wood
Dale Callison
Katharine Canning & Ed Paradis
Anna Casey
John Castro
Julia Chamberlain
Ashish Chaudhary
Andrea Chin
Deborah Woo-Chinn & Darryl Chinn
James Choi
Lucia Choi
Caitlin & Andrew Christian
Chia-Fang Chung
Judith & John Clark
Sara Clayton
Daniel Cohen
Lucas Colusso
Carol Dahl
Andrew Davidson & Linda Norlen
Summer Dela Cruz Parkes
Carina Dempsey
Morgan Duffy
Elizabeth Dunbar
Jodene Eikenberry
Kris Everson
Melissa Ewing
Timothy Ewing
Nur Fajarudeen
Jean & David Farkas
Han Feng
Alant Fields
Diana Fletschner
Tyler Fox
Kelly & Tricia Franznick
Sandra Fried & Adam Price
Alexander & Megan Fromm
Kai Fujita
Whitney Gaynor
Bonnie Godfred
Lynn Gottlieb
Zhiwei Guan
Siddhartha Gudipati
Swar Gujrania
Liza Gurtin
Brett Halperin
Leo Ham
Michael Harding
Charles Harris-White
Dian Hartono
Kiera Hawkins
Gillian Hayes
Jess & Dawn Holbrook
Karen Holum
Winnie Hou
Gary Hsieh
Eileen Hsu
Kiersten Israel-Ballard
Ario Jafarzadeh
Mervin Johnsingh
Erika Johnson
Aaron Joya
Zoe Kessler
Julie Kientz & Shwetak Patel
Daniella Kim & Chris Roupp
Jamie Kim
Norma Kolko Phillips
Beth Kolko
Marie Kotowski
Ilana KrauseJerrod & Jennifer Larson
Jasmine Lawrence
Derek Lee
Frank Lee
Nikki Lee
Herman Leonard & Kathryn Angell
Dong Li
Tony Li

Christy Liao
Honson Ling
Ke Liu
Kit Liu
Michael Long
Christine Loucks-Jaret & Terrence Jaret
Terri Lovins
Kai Lukoff
Katrina Ma
Alex Mabery
Sandy Mabery
Carlos Marin Burgos & Lauren Crowley
Travis Martin
Tomomi Matsuzaki
Sarah McClanahan
Erin McLean
Ryan McLean
Alexandra Medler
Rahul Mehan
Gabrielle Mehlman
Christina Meng
Dave Messina
John Michael
Cadence Miller & Chad Driesbach
Devin Min
Hee Won Moon
Soo Moon
Sean Munson
Karim Naguib
Nitya Nambisan
Steven Naranjo
Jana Nishi Yuen
Eric Norman
Hannah Nursalim
Justin Olshavsky
Rich Olson
Dimeji Onafuwa
Adele Parsons
Ryan Pawell
Carolyn & Robert Pendle
Theano Petersen
Robert Picard
John Pistorius
Leah Pistorius
Monica Posluszny
Adam Price & Sandra Fried
Serena Prince
Glenn & Aileen Pruiksma
Douglas & Dierdre Pyle
Robert Racadio
Judith Ramey
David Rappaport
Kathleen Rascon
Nina Rastogi
Michael Rathjen
David Rea
Ian Reyes
Erin Rice Millman
Paul Roberts
Emma Rose & Jeremy Schrader
Christopher Rovillos
Kyle Russell
Dawn Sakaguchi-Tang
Donna Sakson & Jonathan Mark
Dani Sandoval
Julie Sayigh
Adam Shah
Amy & Matthew Shobe
Pei Sim
Veronika Sipeeva
Abolfazl & Elizabeth Sirjani
Behzod Sirjani
Sarah Sled
Jeffrey Smith
Kiley Sobel
Sharla & Mike Soennichsen
Hyewon Suh
Mia Suh
Kent Sullivan & Julie Solon
David Tanaka & Kimberly Shin
Matthew Tevenan
Alexander Thayer
Kyle Thomas
Brooks Tiffany
Julie Topp
Jonathan Tran
Anuradha Vellineni
Laki & Darivanh Vlachos
David Wang
Flora Wang
Carolyn Wei & Joseph Tullio
Rod Wentworth & R. Jill DeMarco
Duncan West & Mary Deaton
Ty Williams
Jennifer Wong
Kyle Wood & Sheryl Cababa
Megan Woodruff
Ian Wyosnick
Jordan Yoon-Buck
Mark Zachry
Brayan Zavala
Ti Zhao
John Zoshak