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Beth Kolko

Winter 2025

AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators) Comparative Usability Study Data Analysis

Instructors: This DRG is led by Ruican Zhong, advised by Gary Hsieh and Beth Kolko, and will be in collaboration with Philips.

Public-access automated external defibrillators (AEDs) are critical, life-saving medical devices that broadly guide users through the steps to provide an electrical shock to the heart (i.e., defibrillation) to restore normal rhythm following sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) in an emergency situation. They also provide varying levels of instruction for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Despite the usefulness of such devices, there has not been systematic in-situ usability testing of them, especially with people who have not been trained to use these devices. To address this, we conducted a comparative usability study of 4 on-market AED devices with around 60 people. In this DRG, students will closely engage with the study data and conduct mixed-method data analysis.

Students will:

  • Review interview video transcripts, identify trends in participants’ behavior, and perform thematic analysis of their interviews
  • Conduct quantitative analysis (e.g., task success/failure, time on task, measurements of pad placement, etc.) to understand how feature designs impacted participants’ engagement with the devices

Enrollment information

  • Meeting time: TBD
  • Credits: 2 credits 
  • Who should apply: MS & PhD students with qualitative and/or quantitative data analysis experience.
    • This DRG counts toward the directed research requirement for PhD students.
  • To apply: Please apply by midnight on December 5, 2024, using this Screener Form.
  • Anticipated notification date: December 10, 2024
  • Questions?

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