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Sayamindu Dasgupta

Winter 2025

Theory That Counts: A Reading Group on Measurement and Data

Instructors: Kyra Arnett, Mina Zavary, Daniel Kryger, Sayamindu Dasgupta

We will begin by focusing on foundational texts on measurement, quantification, and data. Subsequent weeks’ readings will be decided collectively by the group as we gain traction on the topics.

We are looking for a small group of undergraduates, graduate students, and/or faculty to join our reading group. Students will be expected to complete weekly readings, draft a brief reflection, and be prepared to engage in discussions about the readings.

Enrollment information

  • Meeting time: Meeting time will be determined based on student availability by January 4th
  • Credits: 3
  • Who should apply: Anyone (from any department/major) who is interested in exploring theory around measurement, quantification, and data. This group requires careful attention to 2-3 readings every week with brief reflections and collaborative annotations.
    • This DRG counts toward the directed research requirement for PhD students.
  • To apply: Please complete this Google Form by December 22.
  • Anticipated notification date: December 29. 
  • Questions? Email and We have a preliminary reading list we can share as well!

Dr. Dasgupta's Research Group archive