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Strategic Plan

The HCDE five-year Strategic Plan, launched in 2019, is designed to align the department around a bold path for the next five years.

The HCDE strategic plan was developed by a committee of HCDE faculty, staff, and students, with broad input from the community. Our goals represent our commitment to expanding awareness of our research and academic programs, advancing diversity and equity across our work and communities, and ensuring that we maintain a world-class educational experience.

Our Goals

Goal: Advance HCDE as a high quality, influential, interdisciplinary design and engineering program, and ensure our mission and vision are widely recognized.

We are dedicated to expanding awareness of our program and gaining international recognition as the leading interdisciplinary design and engineering program.

Goal: Balance total HCDE program size and scope with demand, ensuring the financial stability and sustainability to maintain excellence in teaching and research

We will respond to the growing demand of our programs while ensuring we have proper resources—personnel, financial, and space—to accommodate growth.

Goal: Advance and sustain diversity and equity across our work and communities

We are committed to further developing diversity, equity, and inclusion practices across our teaching, learning, hiring, and outreach.

Goal: Develop and execute a strategic approach to bolstering and diversifying high-quality research and research impact

In the next five years we will identify and pursue new research collaborations and opportunities to communicate our research impact.

Goal: Strengthen integration with the College of Engineering’s current goals and influence future goals

We will continue to explore interdisciplinary collaboration across the College to strengthen research output and raise visibility of HCDE's signature pedagogical methods.

Download our goals and objectives