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DEI Committee Research Groups

Spring 2024

Co-designing an Inclusive Teaching Toolkit

Note this DRG is full for Spring 2024 and no longer accepting applications.

In this DRG, we will be building on previous work from the HCDE DEI teaching committee. For the last year and a half, we have been developing an inclusive teaching toolkit which will serve as a living resource for both instructors and students in designing new courses and improving current ones.

In past quarters, students co-designed a prototype of a webpage consisting of resources, an information architecture, and Figma screens that fit into a larger user flow. Students also user-tested the existing screens, analyzed data into themes/findings, and designed iterated screens to A/B test.

In this 2-credit Spring DRG, students will:

  • Continue user tests of the existing prototype with instructors and students
  • Reflect on their own classroom experiences and think critically about what inclusion means in the classroom
  • Iterate on the prototype including redesigning Figma screens based on testing data, while working within UW branding guidelines
  • Implement the toolkit onto the HCDE website

We will be recruiting 2-3 students who are interested in the above points and have experience with visual design and Figma.

DRG meeting time: Tuesdays 2:30-3:30 p.m.
Questions? Email and

Note this DRG is full for Spring 2024 and no longer accepting applications.

DEI Committee Research Group archive