Spring 2025
Technology, Data, and the State
Instructors: Joice Tang, Sucheta Ghoshal
In this DRG, we will cover foundational texts on histories of technology in relation to state (and market) formations. We will also explore how exclusionary technopolitics and datafication are powered by (and carried out by individuals or communities in service of) the nation-state. DRG participants will be expected to read ~100 pages each week.
We can share a preliminary reading list with those who are interested.
Enrollment information
- Meeting time: Meeting time will be determined based on student availability.
- Credits: 2 or more credits. Weekly meeting - 2 hours
- Who should apply: PhD students who are interested in exploring theory around technology and politics. This DRG is targeted toward PhD students, but Masters students are welcome to apply and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
- This DRG counts toward the directed research requirement for PhD students.
- To apply: Please complete this Google Form by March 21.
- Anticipated notification date: No later than March 28.
- Questions? Contact joice@uw.edu or Joice Tang on Slack