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HCDE Intranet

Faculty Support for Additional Service Policy

Updated September 2023


In an effort to recognize the additional service HCDE faculty undertake in an academic year that goes above and beyond the normal workload, the department provides support to allow for faculty to have the time and/or appropriate compensation to be able to do that work while maintaining an equitable workload. 

Who is eligible for this compensation?

Historically, the following administrative roles have come with additional compensation. But eligibility is also at the discretion of the Chair and availability of funds. 

  • Associate Chair
  • BS Program Chair
  • MS/UCD Program Chair
  • PhD Program Chair
  • A committee chair load that is anticipated to be much higher than normal without appropriate reductions in other service

Allocation of funds

The faculty will receive the equivalent amount of one month salary and benefits in a dedicated fund to use at their discretion. Some examples of how funding can be used are: student support (RA/TA/student assistant), course release, purchase of equipment, conference travel, transcriptions, editing services, or other non-salary items.