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HCDE Intranet

Course Buyout Policy

Approval Process

Faculty should submit the following information to HCDE's Curriculum Committee:

  1. Year, quarter, and course name of proposed buyout
  2. Reason(s) for buyout

The committee will make a recommendation to the department chair, taking into consideration a number of factors, including faculty presence among students, timing of the request, benefits of the course buyout, budget considerations, and availability of quality auxiliary faculty to teach the course.

The department chair will make the final decision and notify the curriculum committee and the faculty member making the request.


If the faculty member submits the request at least six months before the proposed course buyout, then he or she will have a reasonable expectation that the course buyout will be approved, because the various constituents (curriculum committee, course committee, department chair, associate chair, etc) will have enough time to evaluate the request and assist in finding an appropriate course instructor.

If the faculty member submits a request with less than six months notice, then approval may be dependent on the faculty member's ability to find an appropriate replacement instructor.

Cost of Buyout

Faculty can buy out of a course for one month of his or her salary plus benefits.

How it works

One month of a faculty member's salary is charged to the grant, gift, or other soft money. HCDE then pays for the replacement on the budget the faculty member is usually paid on.