Reimbursement Updates 08/01/2024:
Mobile Payment Service Update: Mobile payments (Venmo, Paypal, Apple Pay, etc.) no longer require additional documentation such as bank statements or credit card statements.
Before you request a reimbursement
Email to determine the best purchase method. Purchasing out-of-pocket is the last resort after all procurement methods have been exhausted.
NOTE: Gift cards are non-reimbursable expenses.
Requesting a reimbursement
Submit all reimbursement requests to
Non-travel reimbursements
For non-travel reimbursements, please provide the following:
- Itemized receipt(s) for all items
- Approval from PI/Faculty/Administrator (as appropriate) to include:
- Business purpose
- Item(s)
- Estimated cost(s) for purchase
- Worktag(s) and/or budget information
- Award letter (if applicable)
For non-UW employees, please provide the following:
- Itemized receipt(s) for all items
- Business purpose
- Award letter (if applicable)
- Worktag(s) and/or budget information (if known)
- Contact Information:
- Full Legal Name
- Mailing Address (for check)
- Phone Number
- Email Address
- I-94 and Passport (if Foreign National)
Examples of reimbursement types, required documentation, and approval(s) required:
Reimbursement Type | Examples | Required Documentation | Faculty/Staff Request | Student & Non-UW Request |
Food | Christmas parties, PhD events, teatime, catering, etc. |
| Admin or supervisor approval | Advisor / departmental / PI approval |
Award (e.g., Capstone, DEI Mini Grant, Doctoral Research Grant, etc.) | Software, materials, posters, printing, events, programs, recruitment, admissions, project-based resources, one-time coverages, etc. |
| Award Letters | Award Letters |
Classroom materials | Office supplies, books, materials |
| PI / Budget owner approval | PI / Budget owner approval |
Supplies for event | Decorations, printing, merch, posters, etc. |
| PI / Budget owner approval | PI / Budget owner approval |
Gift cards | Research participants compensation, award, or gift | Contact for gift card purchasing | DO NOT PURCHASE GIFT CARDS | DO NOT PURCHASE GIFT CARDS |
Tuition | Undergraduate or graduate tuition | Contact UW student fiscal services | Contact UW student fiscal services | Contact UW student fiscal services |
Payments to vendors | Catering, moving services, etc. | Contact for purchasing | Contact for purchasing | Contact for purchasing |
Parking | On-campus parking | Contact for purchasing | Contact for purchasing | Contact for purchasing |
Expenses purchased using any personal rewards programs / points | This includes:
| Non-reimbursable | Non-reimbursable | Non-reimbursable |
Travel reimbursements
Contact to begin the reimbursement process. Specific UW policies related to travel need to be followed, please see the Travel Resources page for best practices and required documentation.