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HCDE Communications Channels

Below are the avenues HCDE primarily uses to transmit information to its community with guidelines regarding what items are transmitted where. Please direct any questions regarding this policy to the HCDE communications manager.

HCDE Listservs

HCDE listservs are moderated by HCDE Student Services team and Communications Manager. Messages of political endorsements or invitations to take political action will not be approved. Labor unions may use University resources (including HCDE listservs) to communicate information to their members.

View HCDE Listserv flowchart

Items appropriate for the listservs:

  • Corporate Affiliates Events
  • HCDE Student Association Events
  • Internships
  • Non-HCDE events that are occurring within a week and are likely of high interest to HCDE students
  • Reminders for upcoming Corporate Affiliate Events
  • Reminders for upcoming HCDE sponsored events (e.g., winter celebration)
  • Announcements for a wider audience (e.g., 521 winter series) are also sent to the DUB listserv (
  • Scholarships, fellowships, or assistantships and related info sessions that are HCDE, UW, or discipline-specific

HCDE Events Calendar

The following items are posted on the HCDE calendar. The calendar feeds to the front page of the HCDE website. Posting on the calendar is primarily the communications manager; academic advisors may add their own information sessions. Suggested additions to the HCDE calendar should be sent to the communications manager.

Items appropriate for the calendar:

  • All HCDE sponsored events 
  • One-off lectures
  • Information Sessions for HCDE academic programs
  • Non-HCDE events that may be of interest to HCDE students
  • Relevant campus news and events (e.g., convocation)
  • Upcoming Career Fairs not affiliated with HCDE
  • Advising-related events
  • Scholarships/competitions deadlines

HCDE Social Media

HCDE is active on social media including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. The communications manager oversees all accounts. 

Social media is used in the following manner:

  • News about HCDE faculty/staff/students—either created by HCDE or written about HCDE by other outlets
  • Event reminders
  • HCDE Student Association events
  • College of Engineering or UW events/news of interest
  • Informative items or links of interest
  • On occasion, lighter “fun” items (e.g., photos of campus)
  • Scholarship, career fair, HCDE hiring items

HCDE Website News

The communications manager oversees the HCDE website and posts news articles.

News articles feed to the front page of the site and are limited to:

  • Event coverage for events at which HCDE faculty, staff, or students are presenting (HCDE-related research) or that HCDE is co-sponsoring or co-hosting.
  • Award announcements for HCDE faculty, staff, students
  • Student travel write-ups
  • Alumni profiles
  • Donor profiles
  • Faculty, staff, or current student profiles
  • Media coverage of faculty/student research
  • Research group or class profiles
  • CAP news items

To request that an an event or news item be shared, please send an email to the HCDE communications manager and we will post appropriate material.