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Mark Zachry

Human Centered Design & Engineering (HCDE)

  • 408 Sieg Building


PhD, Iowa State University, 1998
MA, Arizona State University, 1992

Professional Interests

Human-computer interaction; social computing; technology for social change; communicative practices of organizations; and interdisciplinary studies

National Awards and Honors

2023 Best Paper Award for IPCC
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Professional Communication Society

2019 ATTW Fellow
Association of Teachers of Technical Writing

2018 Best Paper Award for IPCC
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Professional Communication Society

2011 J.R. Gould Award for Excellence in Teaching
International Society for Technical Communication

2011 Associate Fellow
International Society for Technical Communication

2008 NCTE Best Original Collection in Scientific & Technical Communication
Communicative Practices in Workplaces and the Professions: Cultural Perspectives on the Regulation of Discourse and Organizations. Amityville, NY: Baywood Publishing. (2007). (M. Zachry and C. Thralls)

Directed Research Groups

  • AI in UX
  • Designing UX Research with Generative AI
  • AR Avatars in Online Group Interactions

Selected Courses at UW

417 User Research
501 Theoretical Foundations of Human Centered Design & Engineering
517 Usability Research Techniques
518 User-Centered Design
542 Theoretical Foundations
548 Disruptions in HCI

Selected Recent Publications

Articles, Chapters, Papers

Fowler, J., & Zachry, M. (2024). VizCare: Bringing a human element to visualization of administrative foster care data. In Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE International Professional Communication Conference.
Sinlapanuntakul, P., & Zachry, M. (2024). Augmenting self-presentation: Augmented reality (AR) filters use among young adults. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII).
Sinlapanuntakul, P., Park, S., Yang, C., Zachry, M. (2024). “It was frustrating to have to constantly redesign”: An exploration of authenticity in advanced UX education. In Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE International Professional Communication Conference.
Vera, J., McDonald, D.W.  & Zachry, M. (2024) How-To in Short-Form: A Framework for
Analyzing Short-Format Instructional Content on TikTok. Technical Communication.
Fowler, J., Day, A., & Zachry, M. (2023). Conceptualizations of Permanency in an Online
Foster Care Community. Families in Society, 10443894231209799.
Fowler, J., and Zachry, M. (2023). Discovering and Designing for the Data Visualization Needs of Child Welfare System Professionals Influencing Public Policy. In Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE International Professional Communication Conference.

Fowler, J., Zachry, M., & McDonald, D. W. (2023). Policy Recommendations from an Empirical Study of an Online Foster Care Community. Child Indicators Research, 1-22.

Zachry, M. (2022). User Experience Design and Double Binds in Course Design. User Experience as Innovative Academic Practice. University Press of Colorado.

Fowler, J., Zachry, M., and McDonald, D. (2022). Fostering Communication: Characterizing the Concerns of Former Foster Youth in an Online Community. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 6, GROUP, Article 15 (January 2022), 23 pages.

Gilbert, M., & Zachry, M. (2022). Digital Wellbeing and “Meaningless” Interactions with Mobile Devices. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 235-254). Springer, Cham.

Taryn Bipat, Negin Alimohammadi, Yihan Yu, David W. McDonald, and Mark Zachry. 2021. Wikipedia Beyond the English Language Edition: How do Editors Collaborate in the Farsi and Chinese Wikipedias? Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 5, no. CSCW1 (2021): 1-39.

Hyunggu Jung, George Demiris, Peter Tarczy-Hornoch, and Mark Zachry. 2021. A novel food record app for dietary assessments among older adults with type 2 diabetes: development and usability study. JMIR Formative Research 5, no. 2 (2021): e14760.

McDonald, D. & Zachry, M. 2021. On the Alignment Between Self-Declared Gender Identity and Topical Content from Wikipedia. Trans. Soc. Comput. 4, 2, Article 7 (June 2021), 69 pages.

Ruijia Cheng and Mark Zachry. 2020. Building Community Knowledge In Online Competitions: Motivation, Practices and Challenges. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 4, CSCW2, Article 179 (October 2020), 22 pages.

Zena Worku, Taryn Bipat, David W. McDonald, and Mark Zachry. 2020. Exploring Systematic Bias through Article Deletions on Wikipedia from a Behavioral Perspective. In 16th International Symposium on Open Collaboration (OpenSym 2020), August 25–27, 2020, Virtual conference, Spain. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 22 pages. 

Julian Hocker, Taryn Bipat, Mark Zachry, and David W. McDonald. 2020. Sharing your coding schemas: Developing a Platform to fit within the Qualitative Research Workflow. In 16th International Symposium on Open Collaboration (OpenSym 2020), August 25–27, 2020, Virtual conference, Spain. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 10 pages.

Sungsoo (Ray) Hong, Minhyang (Mia) Suh, Tae Soo Kim, Irina Smoke, Sang-Wha Sien, Janet Ng, Mark Zachry, Juho Kim (2019). Design for Collaborative Information-Seeking: Understanding User Challenges and Deploying ComeTogether Using Collaborative Dynamic Queries. In Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction - CSCW. November 2019.

Sungsoo (Ray) Hong, Minhyang (Mia) Suh, Nathalie Henry Riche, Jooyoung Lee, Juho Kim, & Mark Zachry (2018). Collaborative Dynamic Queries: Supporting Distributed Small Group Decision-making. In Proceedings of the ACM conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, SIGCHI2018.

Bipat, T., McDonald, D. W., & Zachry, M. (2018, August). Do We All Talk Before We Type?: Understanding Collaboration in Wikipedia Language Editions. In Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Open Collaboration (p. 18). ACM.

Divine, D., & Zachry, M. (2018). Project Management, Contradictions, and Textualized Activity: Supporting Reflection in Project Based Organizations. Technical Communication, 65(2), 194-209.

Hoffman, E., D.W. McDonald and M. Zachry (2018) Evaluating a Computational Approach to Labeling Politeness: Challenges for the Application of Machine Classification to Social Computing Data. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction archive Volume 1 Issue CSCW, November 2017 (CSCW'18).

Menking, A., D. W. McDonald and M. Zachry (2017) Who wants to read this?: A method for measuring topical representativeness in user generated content systems. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW'17).

Zachry, M. and J.H. Spyridakis. (2016) Human Centered Design in the Field of Technical Communication, Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, 46, 4, 392-401.

Gilbert, M., and Zachry, M. (2015). Tool-Mediated Coordination of Virtual Teams in Complex Systems. In Proceedings of the11th International Symposium on Open Collaboration (OpenSym '15). ACM Press.

Gilbert, M., and Zachry, M. (2015). Towards a Class-based Model of Information Organization in Wikipedia. In A.A. Ozak and P. Zaphiris (Eds.): Proceedings of HCII 2015. Los Angeles, CA.

Jung, H., Hong, S., Meas, P., and Zachry, M. (2015). Designing Tools to Support Advanced Users in New Forms of Social Media Interaction. In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the International Conference on Design of Communication, New York.

Zachry, M., and McDonald, D. W. (2014). Supporting social discovery of appropriate candidates for promotion to administrative status in Wikipedia. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Social Eco-Informatics (SOTICS'14). Nice, France. pp. 15-20.

Morgan, J. T., Gilbert, M., McDonald, D. W., & Zachry, M. (2014). Editing Beyond Articles: Diversity & Dynamics of Teamwork in Open Collaborations. Proceedings of the 2014 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW '14).

Ferro, T., and M. Zachry. (2014). Technical Communication Unbound: Knowledge Work, Social Media, and Emergent Communicative Practices. Technical Communication Quarterly. 23.1: pp. 6-21.

Morgan, J., Oxley, M., Bender, E., Zhu, L., Gracheva, V., and M. Zachry. (2013). Are We There Yet?: The Development of a Corpus Annotated for Social Acts in Multilingual Online Discourse. Dialogue & Discourse. 4.2: pp. 1-33.

Gilbert, M., Morgan, J. T., McDonald, D. W., & Zachry, M. (2013). Managing Complexity: Strategies for group awareness and coordinated action in Wikipedia. In Proceedings of the 2013 Joint International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration.

Morgan, J. T., Gilbert, M., McDonald, D. W., & Zachry, M. (2013). Project talk: Coordination work and group membership in WikiProjects. In Proceedings of the 2013 Joint International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration.

McDonald, D. W., S. Gokhman, and M. Zachry (2012). Building for Social Translucence: A Domain Analysis and Prototype System. Proceedings of the 2012 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW '12).

Read, S., DelaMerced, A., and M. Zachry (2012). Participatory Design in the Development of a Web-based Technology for Visualizing Writing Activity as Knowledge Work. SIGDOC '12: Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference on Design of Communication, New York. ACM Press.

Ferro, T., Divine, D., and M. Zachry (2012). Knowledge Workers and their Use of Publicly Available Online Services for Day-to-day Work. SIGDOC '12: Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference on Design of Communication, New York. ACM Press.

Hart-Davidson, W., Zachry, M., and C. Spinuzzi (2012). Activity Streams: Building Context to Coordinate Writing Activity in Collaborative Teams. SIGDOC '12: Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference on Design of Communication, New York. ACM Press.

Gilbert, M., and M. Zachry (2012). Sharing time: engaging students as co-designers in the creation of an online knowledge sharing application. SIGDOC '12: Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference on Design of Communication, New York. ACM Press.

Ferro, T., and M. Zachry. (2011). Networked Knowledge Workers on the Web: An Examination of US Trends, 2008–2010. Handbook of Research on Business Social Networking: Organizational, Managerial, and Technological Dimensions. Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Publishing.

Divine, D., T. Ferro, and M. Zachry. (2011) Work through the Web: A Typology of Web 2.0 Services. In SIGDOC '11: Proceedings of the 29th annual international conference on Design of communication, New York, NY, USA. ACM Press.

McDonald, D. S. Javanmardi, and M. Zachry. (2011). Finding Patterns in Behavioral Observations by Automatically Labeling Forms of Wikiwork in Barnstars. In Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration (WikiSym '11). Mountain View, CA.

Derthick, K., P. Tsao, T. Kriplean, A. Borning, M. Zachry, and D. W. McDonald (2011). Collaborative Sensemaking during Admin Permission Granting in Wikipedia. In A.A. Ozok and P. Zaphiris (Eds.): Online Communities, HCII 2011, LNCS 6778, pp. 100–109.

Bender, Emily., Jonathan T. Morgan, Meghan Oxley, Mark Zachry, Brian Hutchinson, Alex Marin, Bin Zhang and Mari Ostendorf. 2011. Annotating Social Acts: Authority Claims and Alignment Moves in Wikipedia Talk Pages. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Language in Social Media (LSM 2011). 48–57.

Mays, Robin E., Zachry, M., Murat, A., Haselkorn, M. (2011) Aligning Border Security Workflow and Decision Making with Supporting Information and Communication Systems. In Proceedings of the 8th International ISCRAM Conference, May 2011. Lisbon, Portugal.

Atman, C., Borgford-Parnell, J., Goist, Z., Deibel, K., Blair, J., Bodle, C., Kumar, V., Roesler, A., Tanimoto, S., & Zachry, M. (2010) "Seeing and Hearing Design: Exploring How Visual Representations and Sound Tracks Could Be Used to Teach Design." In Proceedings of Design Thinking and Research Symposium 8, October 2010, Sydney Australia, 25–37.

Marin, A., Ostendorf, M. Zhang, B., Morgan, J. T., Oxley, M., Zachry, M., and Bender, E. (2010). Detecting Authority Bids in Online Conversations. Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT 2010).

Morgan, J. T., and Zachry, M. Negotiating with angry mastodons: The Wikipedia policy environment as genre ecology. In Proceedings of the 16th ACM international conference on Supporting group work (GROUP '10). ACM Press. 165–168.

Gygi, K., and Zachry, M. Productive Tensions and the Regulatory Work of Genres in the Development of an Engineering Communication Workshop in a Transnational Corporation. Journal of Business & Technical Communication, 24.3. (Summer 2010): 358–381.

Cook, K.C., and Zachry, M. Politics, Programmatic Self-Assessment, and the Challenge of Cultural Change. Assessment in Technical and Professional Communication. M. Hundleby and J. Allen (Eds.) Amityville, NY: Baywood Publishing, 2010. 65–80.

Zachry, M. Rhetorical analysis and professional communication. The Handbook of Business Discourse. In F. Bargiela-Chippini (Ed.). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 2009.

Zachry, M., Hart-Davidson, W., and Spinuzzi, C. Advances in understanding knowledge work. In SIGDOC '08: Proceedings of the 26th annual international conference on Design of communication, New York, NY, USA . ACM Press. 243–248.

Zachry, M. Cross-disciplinary exchanges: An interview with Susan Leigh Star. Technical Communication Quarterly 17.4 (Fall 2008): 435–454.

Zachry, M. Investigating new techniques for developing meaningful models of knowledge work. In Proceedings of IEEE International Professional Communication Conference, 2007.

Zachry, M., Spinuzzi, C., and Hart-Davidson, W. Visual documentation of knowledge work: An examination of competing approaches. In SIGDOC '07: Proceedings of the 25th annual international conference on Design of communication, New York, NY, USA . ACM Press. 120–126.

Hart-Davidson, W., Spinuzzi, C., and Zachry, M. Capturing & visualizing knowledge work: Results & implications of a pilot study of proposal writing activity. In SIGDOC '07: Proceedings of the 25th annual international conference on Design of communication, New York, NY, USA . ACM Press. 113–119.

Zachry, M. Cross-disciplinary exchanges: An interview with Andrew Feenberg. Technical Communication Quarterly 16.4 (Fall 2007): 453–472.

Zachry, M. Regulation and communicative practices. Communicative practices in workplaces and the professions: Cultural perspectives on the regulation of discourse in organizations. In M. Zachry and C. Thralls (Eds.). Amityville , NY : Baywood Publishing, 2007. v–xv.

Zachry, M. Cross-disciplinary exchanges: An interview with Bonnie A. Nardi. Technical Communication Quarterly 15.4 (Fall 2006): 483–503.

Zachry, M., Hart-Davidson, W., and Spinuzzi, C. Researching proposal development: Accounting for the complexity of designing persuasive texts. In SIGDOC '06: Proceedings of the 24th annual international conference on Design of communication, New York, NY, USA . ACM Press. 142–148.

Spinuzzi, C., Hart-Davidson, W., and Zachry, M. Chains and ecologies: Methodological notes toward a communicative-mediational model of technologically mediated writing. In SIGDOC '06: Proceedings of the 24th annual international conference on Design of communication, New York, NY, USA . ACM Press. 43–50.

Hart-Davidson, W., Spinuzzi, C., and Zachry, M. Visualizing writing activity as knowledge work: Challenges & opportunities. In SIGDOC '06: Proceedings of the 24th annual international conference on Design of communication, New York, NY, USA . ACM Press. 70–77.

Zachry, M. Cross-disciplinary exchanges: An interview with Donald A. Norman. Technical Communication Quarterly 14.4 (Fall 2005): 469–487.

Zachry, M. Paralogy and online pedagogy. Online education: Global questions , local answers . In K. C. Cook and K. Grant-Davie (Eds.). Amityville , NY : Baywood Publishing, 2005. 177–90.

Zachry, M., and C. Thralls. Cross-disciplinary exchanges: An interview with Edward R. Tufte. Technical Communication Quarterly 13.4 (Fall 2004): 447–462.

Cook, K.C., Thralls, C., and M. Zachry. Doctoral-level graduates in professional, technical, and scientific communication: A profile. Technical Communication 50.2 (2003): 160–173.

Zachry, M. Constructing usable documentation: A study of communicative practices and the early uses of mainframe computing in industry. Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 31.1 (2001): 61–76.

Spinuzzi, C., and M. Zachry. Genre ecologies: An open-system approach to understanding and constructing documentation. Journal of Computer Documentation 24.3 (2000): 169–181.

Zachry, M. Conceptualizing communicative practices in organizations: Genre-based research in professional communication. Business Communication Quarterly 63.4 (December 2000): 91–97.

Zachry, M. Communicative practices in the workplace: A historical examination of genre development. Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 30.1 (2000): 57–79.

Zachry, M. Management discourse and popular narratives: The myriad plots of total quality management. In N. R. Blyler and J. M. Perkins (Eds.). Narrative and Professional Communication. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing, 1999. 107–120.



Technical Communication Quarterly, Editor-in-chief 2003–2008