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Katya Cherukumilli's Research Group Archive

The following research group descriptions are archived because they are no longer offered, the researcher is on sabbatical, or the group is taking a break. Please contact the researcher or an advisor to learn more about these groups.

Winter 2024

Safe Drinking Water Provision in Public Institutions

The purpose of this Winter 2024 DRG is to characterize and evaluate drinking water infrastructure in two local settings: (1) UW College of Engineering buildings built pre-2000 and (2) Seattle primary schools and childcare facilities. For the first setting (UW), our group will be deploying online surveys developed in Fall 2023 to evaluate building users’ experiences, behaviors, and perceptions related to drinking water, in addition to conducting water quality tests. For the second setting (K-12 schools), we will analyze and spatially map lead contamination data provided by the WA State Department of Health. In addition, we will review relevant scientific literature to identify effective strategies for communicating risk and technical knowledge to the general public. 

Contact: For questions or concerns, please contact Dr. Katya Cherukumilli (

Autumn 2023

Water You Drinking?

Concerns with drinking water quality plague individual and institutional users worldwide. Over 2 billion people worldwide lack safe water access and millions of Americans are exposed to aqueous chemical contaminants through their consumption of public and private drinking water supplies. The purpose of this year-long DRG is to develop replicable survey tools, experimental methods, and data collection protocols to characterize drinking water usage, assess and experimentally validate perceptions of water safety and risk, and communicate technical knowledge to the public. 

To contextualize our work, we will identify and map water infrastructure in select UW campus buildings and document building occupants’ experiences and opinions about their access (or lack thereof) to high quality water sources. A quick walk around campus clearly demonstrates the age of different UW College of Engineering (est. 1901) buildings, ranging from Roberts Hall (est. 1921) to the Interdisciplinary Engineering Building (under construction, occupancy in 2025) – we will uncover if and how building age impacts the quality of drinking water taps and fountains.

In this DRG, students will have the opportunity to establish and use a water quality testing lab in More Hall and develop a sampling and analysis protocol for future work. In parallel, students will collaborate in teams to design an interactive dashboard to report concerning water quality results, conduct virtual and in-person surveys, summarize common trends in interview data, and synthesize/share resources on water treatment and monitoring technologies. No previous wet-lab experience is required, but an interest in social equity, environmental justice issues, and/or scientific curiosity will be appreciated. 

When: Meet in-person 1-2 hours/week (date, time, location to be decided based on student availability); additional independent work and group meetings for ~ 4 hours/week. 

Credits: 2 credits recommended (equivalent to 6 hours of work per week).  

Contact: For questions or concerns, please contact Assistant Professor Dr. Katya Cherukumilli (

Application: Please complete this google form by EOD Wednesday, September 20th. Decisions will be made by Monday, September 25th and our first meeting will be held on Thursday, September 28th (time and location TBD).