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The HCDE PhD curriculum includes courses in Theory, Methods, and a third area defined by the PhD student, with guidance from the advisor, called Concentration. This page provides guidelines for students in the choosing of courses that make up their Concentration and how to document that procedure to ensure the degree requirements are met.

 What is a Concentration?

To allow for a diversity of perspectives and for customization to meet the educational needs of an interdisciplinary program, Ph.D. students are able to choose courses amounting to 12 credits to take that make up a concentration. A concentration constitutes 12 credits of a coherent program of study that is related to the student’s core research area and is defined by the student and their advisor. Courses can be from HCDE or from outside the department.

 What is the relationship between my Concentration and the General Exam?

The general exam consists of three areas: Theory, Methods, and Concentration - what you define for your concentration will relate to the third area of your general exam. You should define the name of your Concentration at the time of preparing for your General Exam, as it will guide the generation of your reading list and the committee’s General Exam charge.

 By when do I need to declare my Concentration and complete my coursework?

Concentration classes may be taken at any point in your Ph.D. studies. You can include classes in your Concentration that you have already taken, including transfer credits. You should have a named Concentration declared before you prepare to take your General Exam. You do not need to have completed all of the courses in your Concentration to take your General Exam, though it would be helpful, as these classes are intended to help you prepare for your General Exam. The strict requirement is that all Concentration classes must be completed before you graduate.

 How do I name and document my Concentration?

You can choose any name that seems appropriate to you and your advisor(s). You can name it before you take any courses, you can wait until you’ve completed all the courses, or you could do it part way through. You can name your Concentration on your Course of Study form form submitted with the annual review. Your advisor(s) must sign this form, which documents their approval of the name of the Concentration. It is okay to change your Concentration name.  

 Are there any classes that cannot count toward my Concentration?

Core classes (HCDE 541, 542, 543, 544, 545) may not cannot count as Concentration classes. Undergraduate classes that are below the 400 level also cannot count toward your Concentration requirement.

You may count an elective course toward both the concentration and methods; concentration and theory; or concentration and free electives.

 Can DRGs and Independent Study credits count toward my Concentration?

Yes, but your advisor(s) need to explicitly approve that the content of the DRG or Independent Study is suitable for completing the Concentration requirement. Credits taken toward a student’s concentration are meant to provide a learning experience to immerse the student into the concentration. In other words, a DRG or Independent Study deeply diving into readings may count. A DRG solely focused on a research project may not fulfill the type of growth we intend with the concentration requirement.

 Can classes I’ve taken before enrolling in the PhD program (e.g., in an MS program) count toward my Concentration?

Yes, but this again needs to be approved by your advisor(s). You should have a discussion with your advisor about whether the content of the course appropriately prepares you for your General Exam.

Examples of Concentrations

Below are some sample ideas of concentrations that a student in HCDE might take - these are just examples. You should feel free to come up with and define your own with guidance from your advisor(s).

  • HCDE 548 - Special Topics - Inclusive Design taught by Leah Findlater or HCDE 515 Accessibility and Inclusive Design
  • DIS ST 230 (taken as DIS ST 499 and graduate-level evaluation arranged with instructor) Intro to Disability Studies
  • DIS ST 435 - Advanced Seminar in Disability Studies or INSC 546 - Assistive Technology and Inclusive Design
  • CSE 590w - Accessibility Research Seminar (1-2 hours, usually offered every quarter but the hosting professor changes; ask Leah)
  • Courses in the STS Ph.D. certificate program (see: history, philosophy, communication or anthropology of science and/or technology, amongst others) 
  • HCDE 548 - Special Topics in HCDE taught by David Ribes
  • DRG ‘Data Then and Now’
  • HCDE 511 - Information Visualization
  • CSE 546 - Machine Learning or CSE 544 - Data Management
  • DATA 512 - Human-Centered Data Science or HCDE 548 - Special Topics in HCDE taught by Cecilia Aragon
  • HCDE 548 - Special Topics in HCDE taught by Sean Munson
  • HCDE 538 - Designing for Behavior Change
  • HCDE 546 - A DRG on examining the role of tracked data in family decision-making
  • HCDE 548 - Special Topics in HCDE taught by Nadya Peek
  • CSE 556 - Computational Fabrication or HCDE 533 Digital Fabrication
  • CSE 599J1 - Selected Topics in Computational Fabrication 
  • EDPSY 501 - Human Learning and Educational Practice
  • HCDE 548 - Special Topics in HCDE taught by Kate Starbird
  • DRG on Online Misinformation, Disinformation, Media Manipulation, etc.
  • Other Social Computing classes in Communication/iSchool