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Mon, 09/11/2017

HCDE center to host workshop on reflection in Engineering education

HCDE's Center for Engineering Learning & Teaching (CELT) is hosting a two-day workshop on reflection in engineering education, bringing over 60 leaders in this emerging community together on the UW campus on September 14-15, 2017.

Wed, 07/12/2017

Atman receives Goldsmith award from IEEE Professional Communication Society

HCDE Professor Cynthia J. Atman will receive the 2017 Alfred N. Goldsmith Award for Outstanding Achievement in Engineering Communication from the IEEE Professional Communication Society.

Wed, 06/28/2017

Leah Findlater joins HCDE faculty

HCDE is pleased to announce that Dr. Leah Findlater is joining the department as an assistant professor, bringing her expertise in the area of accessibility for mobile and wearable technologies to our interdisciplinary faculty.

Thu, 06/01/2017 | College of Engineering

Aiming for the STARS

The College of Engineering profiles HCDE senior Tuyen Truong, one of three students from STARS’ first cohort who is graduating this year. Launched in 2013, the STARS academic redshirt program is designed to increase the number of students from economically and educationally disadvantaged backgrounds who graduate with UW engineering degrees by providing them with extra academic support, community, mentoring and funding.

Tue, 04/25/2017

College of Engineering Awards

The department of Human Centered Design & Engineering celebrates two department recipients of the annual faculty, staff, and student awards from the College of Engineering. Assistant Professor Sean Munson will receive the 2017 junior faculty award, and PhD student Kerem Özcan will receive the student award for excellence in teaching.

Wed, 02/22/2017

Remembering Lee Paul Sieg

Coinciding with the 75th anniversary of the United States presidential executive order 9066, the department of Human Centered Design & Engineering celebrates our building's namesake, University of Washington President Lee Paul Sieg, a leader who demonstrated compassion for the University’s Japanese American students during World War II.

Fri, 04/01/2016

Sean Munson receives CAREER Award from National Science Foundation

HCDE Assistant Professor Sean Munson has received a prestigious Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award from the National Science Foundation. The five-year grant will fund Munson’s research on helping people find value in personal informatics data.