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TA Evaluation

HCDE began using a new self-reflective TA evaluation process in spring quarter 2024.

For Teaching Assistants

Teaching assistants must complete a reflective evaluation by the last day of their appointment, or, when appointments do not align exactly with quarters, within one week of the conclusion of their responsibilities for a course (whichever is later). We see this as an opportunity for you to share your successes and challenges. In this first process, we do not have a specific template. That said, we suggest you consider addressing three items in a 1-2 page narrative:

  1. Context: What class? Your roles? Additional features of your context that are important for understanding your self-evaluation? If you received additional expectations, please attach them to your evaluation.
  2. Self-evaluation: Looking at your contributions to your assigned class, what went well? What could have gone better?  What supports were helpful in what went well?
  3. Looking ahead: What would you do differently? What kinds of support would have helped you?

On the writing.

  1. Please congratulate yourself where possible so we know about your achievements.
  2. Please be honest about any challenges. Challenges happen, it's what we do with them that matters.
  3. Please write knowing that others will read it. See below on where this will be stored.
  4. Think broadly about kinds of support, so we can figure out how to bring that support into the autumn.


  1. Please submit by the last day of your appointment, or, when appointments do not align exactly with quarters, within one week of the conclusion of your responsibilities for a course (whichever is later)
  2. We need this final component of your current TA position to place you in a new TA position.
  3. We particularly need this for anyone who will be seeking future TA positions. If you are graduating, you do not need to submit, though we welcome any reflections to strengthen our TA program. Also, if you are beyond the funding guarantee and will not apply to future HCDE TA positions or have plenty of funding and don't anticipate requesting additional TA positions, perhaps you do not need to submit. If in doubt, please complete one or ask.
  4. This document will be stored in a dedicated personnel records folder that will be accessible by department leadership.
  5. By default, your evaluation will also be available to the instructor of the course unless you reach out to the associate chair for educational programs to request that the self-evaluation not be shared.

For Instructors

Instructors will have an opportunity to review self-evaluations for teaching assistants in their course and may provide additional context or feedback to the associate chair for educational programs. This feedback is a record which will be included in the official personnel file of the academic student employee (see article 22 of the contract) and which ASEs have the right to examine and request corrections or respond.