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HCDE Intranet

Hiring Volunteers

Updated October 2024

Procedure for hiring volunteers

For hiring a volunteer in your research lab, please use the College of Engineering’s guidelines and agreement forms for hiring volunteers.  

  • Student volunteer completes the agreement forms and signs them when they volunteer. 
  • Student volunteer cannot do work that would otherwise be paid for (see guidelines doc for more information). 
  • The agreement forms are almost identical, but one is for minors and one is for older volunteers.
  • The faculty should save the copy signed by the volunteer. 

UW Youth Program training for working with minors

If you want to work with minors in your research lab (e.g., a high school volunteer or intern), the lab director or research lead needs to register a youth program by following these instructions.

  • The youth program director (typically the lab director) and other authorized personnel must complete a background check and complete online trainings.
  • Note background checks cost money and you will need a budget number
  • Authorized personnel who have taken the training must be in the presence of the minor youth at all times. For example, if an authorized faculty cannot be present, please register a research assistant or student assistant who can be present during work with minor youth as authorized personnel.
  • Other personnel in the team can be added who do not require the online training or background check.
  • Other personnel cannot be in the lab or meeting rooms working with minors without an authorized personnel present.
  • See other information on UW youth engagement best practices.