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Current Students

Counseling and Safety Information

The UW has many counseling and safety resources available to help you if you feel the need for counseling or if you are concerned about the safety of the learning environment. Please use the information below to reach out for yourself or others you feel might be in need.

Counseling resources

UW Counseling Center offers multiple options for students seeking help coping with stress and mental health concerns. In the 2020-2021 academic year, the Counseling Center is providing all services via secure Zoom. You may be able to schedule your first appointment online or call the UW Counseling Center at 206.543.1240.

For any student who is in crisis, UW has partnered with My SSP to give students access to real-time, confidential mental health and crisis intervention support, 24/7 and in multiple languages. There are several ways to connect:

  • Phone: Call 1.866.743.7732 (If calling from outside the US or Canada, dial 001.416.380.6578)
  • Online chat: Chat with a My SSP counselor on the My SSP website or on the My SSP app (Apple App Store | Google Play)

Health and well being

Husky Health Center offers a wide range of medical and mental health services, including primary care; medical advice; student mental health care; specialty care, including women's health, travel medicine, and physical therapy/sports medicine; immunizations; pharmacy, lab, and radiology; tobacco and nicotine cessation; safer sex supplies for students.
206.543.5030 for mental health
206.685.1011 for medical

Husky Health & Well-Being provides consultation, assessment, and intervention services to students. Health and Wellness is the place to go when you don't know where to go for help. They can help refer you to the best resources.

Safety resources

UW Alert is a service that keeps campus community informed during emergencies and situations that might disrupt normal operations. Sign up for UW's safety alerts here.

Safe Campus provides information about how to report any situation that you think may be of concern. "The SafeCampus website provides information on counseling and safety resources, University policies, and violence reporting requirements that help us maintain a safe personal, work, and learning environment. If you're concerned about potential violence, contact this "685-SAFE" hotline to seek advice and/or counseling.

NightRide is a shuttle service that provides a safe and easy way for students, faculty, and staff to get home at night. Shuttles run every 20 minutes picking up passengers from 6 locations around campus before dropping passengers off at requested destinations within one of two zones.