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HCDE Intranet


Request a purchase

Purchasing non-equipment < $10,000

For basic purchasing (non-equipment under $10,000), email In your email, include the following information and/or attachments:

  1. Requester information
    • Contact email address / Phone number.
    • Employee status (e.g. Staff, Faculty, Student)
    • Receiver Contact name
  2. Purchasing details
    • Approval from PI / Faculty / Administrator (where appropriate)
    • UW business purpose for this purchase
    • Ship to address (Recipient name, street address, city, state, country, zip code.)
  3. Purchase information
    • Total amount of purchase
    • Purchase line items, for each item please provide the following:
      • Item
      • Description
      • Supplier
      • Item URL
      • Unit cost
      • Quantity
      • Total cost
  4. Funding source
    • Worktag information
  5. More information
    • Any additional comments
    • Any necessary attachments
    • Quotes / Estimates (if available) – Quotes need to include estimated shipping charges and recipient address.
    • If requesting food, light refreshments, or alcohol please also include:
      • Food form
      • Attendees List

Purchases and contracts > $10,000

For purchases and contracts over $10,000, the following is required: 

  • A sole source justification if applicable (see Sole Source Purchasing for details)
  • Three (3) competing bids are required.
  • A summary of your process including vendors you contacted, copy of email requests, criteria, list of vendors.
  • Please email to determine if the vendor is a registered supplier with the University.

Equipment purchases > $5,000 per item and a life span >1 year

For equipment purchases over $5,000 per item and a life span >1 year: 

  • Machinery & Equipment (M&E) Sales Tax Exemption
  • Equipment of value equal to or greater than $5000 requires tagging within 3-7 days after a receipt is received. Please contact Jane Skau ( for appropriate tagging of inventory. Please see the Equipment Inventory Office website for more details.

*Note: The UW Finance Procurement Services Quick Guide is a great resource for more detailed information on sourcing, sole source purchasing, unauthorized purchases, contracts and much more.

Package delivery

University Mailing Services delivers incoming mail once a day, (usually by noon) to our secure mail room in Sieg Building. The mail room is checked at least once per day by the front desk student assistants. If you are expecting a package and have not been contacted by, please contact the front desk and someone will go check.

Mail delivered by non-UW carriers such as Amazon, FedEx, and UPS will be delivered to 428 Sieg Building.

When the building is closed only UW mail services and approved UW vendors such as FedEx and UPS have access to the building. If you would like to have something delivered when the building is closed, please coordinate with to ensure someone is around to receive it.

To have something mailed or shipped to the department, please use the appropriate address below.

The HCDE mailing address is:

<ATTN: Your name>
3960 Benton Lane NE
428 Sieg Building, Campus Box 352315
Seattle, WA 98195

Receiving your package

Package pickup

When mail is delivered the main office will distribute it to the appropriate mailbox, if a package is too large to be placed in a mailbox, you will receive a notification from, that your package has arrived and can be picked up in Sieg 428. Please do so at your earliest convenience, as space to store packages in the main office is limited.

  • Staff, faculty, and part time lectures mailboxes are in Sieg 428
  • PhD mailboxes are in Sieg 422
  • All other mail can be picked up at the front desk in Sieg 428

Note: All mailboxes are in rooms that require husky card access but are not considered secure. If you have sensitive mail or would like to request delivery to a specific office, please coordinate with the front office at

Reminder: Packing slips must be submitted (see details below).

Packing Slips

Per Washington State law, every order must be accompanied by a detailed receipt and proof of delivery (packing slip).

Note: Receipts are intended to serve as physical records of transactions which you should receive at the time of purchase. A packing slip is a record of a transaction and proof of delivery for buyers, meant to be included along with an order for a shipment.

Once an item is delivered, the recipient should review the contents and secure the packing slip before discarding the packaging. Packing slips should be turned into the front desk in Sieg 428 signed and notated with the date received. Please submit packing slips within 10 business days of package delivery.

If you did not receive a packing slip with the delivery of the order, notate on the receipt or invoice or order confirmation that it was received, and this will replace the packing slip. The use of an order confirmation/receipt is not sufficient unless it specifically states “PAID” (past tense” or the amount due is $0. If it passes either of these qualifications, then it can be used as a packing slip. 

For additional information please go to the UW Receipt Policy information website for more information.