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Current Students

Preparing to Graduate

Step 1: Meet with your Academic Advisor

Two quarters before you plan to graduate you should meet with your HCDE Graduate Advisor, Alex LlapitanIt is strongly recommended this be done during either an in-person or phone appointment to ensure all HCDE and Graduate School requirements will be met before intended graduation.

  • Review your remaining requirements by logging into MyPlan and refreshing your DARS
    • Notify your advisor of any discrepancies or missing requirements

Step 2: Submitting the Master’s Request

To graduate, you must file an online application called a Master’s Request with the Graduate School during the quarter you plan to finish: 

Applications are valid for one quarter only. You must be enrolled for at least one credit during the quarter that you expect to graduate. All work for the MS degree must be completed within 6 years, including any time spent with on-leave status or any credits transferred from other institutions. Once final grades are posted at the end of the quarter, the Master's Request will be processed by your HCDE advisor. 

Step 3: Commencement

All students graduating in the prior autumn, winter, and spring quarter will be invited to the spring Commencement Ceremony and HCDE Graduation Celebration. Information will be sent via email in late April/early May. If you are planning to graduate in the summer or autumn quarter following spring Commencement and would like to attend the graduation celebrations, please notify your academic advisor in spring quarter.


Refer to ‘Important Dates for Graduate Students’ to determine final dates for submitting your Master’s Request.

If you do not finish the quarter you originally applied, you must submit another application through the Graduate School's website.

Recent graduates will continue to receive HCDE-MS emails through the end of the first quarter they are away from campus.

See Also