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Reporting and Training

The below resources on reporting and training, including what questions to ask and where to go for guidance, have been compiled by the HCDE DEI committee. HCDE students, faculty, and staff can reach out to members of the DEI committee with questions.


If you feel a responsibility to report someone, what are helpful ways to do that? Here are some things to think about:

  • Do you want to remain anonymous?
  • Should you turn to SafeCampus or Title IX?

If you would like to report anonymously, please contact SafeCampus. If you are open to reporting non-anonymously, contact SafeCampus and/or Title IX (see below).

How is reporting handled for different kinds of roles and relationships? (student and student, faculty and staff, student and faculty etc.)
Reporting is not handled differently for varied roles and relationships.

How does reporting differ for survivors, bystanders, and others? 
The process will be handled the same no matter if you are involved directly or indirectly in the reported incident. 

What mental health services are available if you are involved in a report?

Mental health resources are available on demand (12 - 4 p.m.) and by appointment through the UW Counseling Center. If you are in crisis and/or do not have time to wait for an appointment, the Center recommends showing up at 11:30 a.m. to get your paperwork started and skip lines.

How can students feel more empowered to deal with these situations?
The University’s Title IX training has details on how to respond as bystanders. Members of the HCDE DEI committee are actively working to seek out input and collaboration with student affinity groups and all members of the HCDE community. Please reach out to our committee with ideas for expanded conversation and engagement.

What happens if a student discloses misconduct?
University employee flowchart

  1. Employee should listen 
  2. Employee should inform student that there are resources available to them including confidential advocates who can help them make decisions about officially reporting
  3. Employee is encouraged to contact SafeCampus
  4. Safe Campus will reach out to student(s)

Mandatory reporting 
Most students and employees are not mandatory reporters at UW unless someone under age 18 is involved.  If you become aware that a student or employee has experienced sexual misconduct, you are encouraged to initiate the University’s Title IX protocol. If you have been notified that you are a Title IX Official Required to Report, you must contact SafeCampus when you become aware of sexual misconduct or potential sexual misconduct. To eliminate any confusion, we ask all employees to use the Title IX protocol. Title IX reporting expectations can look different at different colleges and universities. Please refer to any additional guidance you have been given from your supervisor, department, or academic unit or contact the Title IX Office for more information.

Safe Campus
Calling SafeCampus is not the same as making a “formal” complaint/report to the University of Washington. You can call and consult with our office before choosing whether you want to make a formal complaint. If you want to learn more about formal complaints, visit the University of Washington’s Title IX Reporting Options page, the University of Washington’s Complaint Investigation and Resolution Office (UCIRO), or contact law enforcement. You can always consult with SafeCampus about your options.

The College of Engineering
The College of Engineering incident reporting tool is another avenue for submitting a report for bias, discrimination, or harassment. Using the College of Engineering reporting form helps identify concerns and patterns specific to the UW Engineering community. Information collected through this process also helps the College work strategically with those who need additional guidance on creating a more inclusive environment.


Employee Title IX Course: Husky Prevention & Response Course 

Student Title IX Course: Husky Prevention & Response Course 

EPIC – Graduate Student/Academic Student Employee/Postdoctoral Scholars Training

EPIC: Empowering Prevention & Inclusive Communities: Prevention of Sexual Harassment & Gender Discrimination — This training is tailored to the unique roles of academic student employees (ASE’s) and postdoctoral scholars at the UW. We’ll discuss how individuals can create prevention-focused culture change in academia. We’ll examine sexual harassment and discrimination and its impacts, provide space for individual and community skill-building and discuss supporting those who experience harassment. Trainings will be tailored to individual departments, workplaces, and graduate students, undergraduate students, and postdoc communities.
EPIC currently offers two trainings, if you have never attended an EPIC training please register for the 1.0 training.
EPIC 1.0: Starting in 2018, the EPIC team worked with student, faculty, and administrative stakeholders to develop an innovative, research-driven sexual harassment prevention training for UW ASEs and Postdocs. This interactive, 1.5 hour zoom training builds on extensive research to provide participants with skills in bystander intervention, sexual harassment prevention, and more, and is tailored to the needs and interests of each department’s ASEs and Postdocs.

EPIC 2.0: In this 1.5 hour training, we build on our 1.0 conversations to analyze how power works in our departments and work on concrete action steps to prevent sexual harassment. We discuss our particular departments, where our power comes from and what needs to change. We may make healthy use of breakout groups depending on how many people come to each session.

Department/Program Training
Safe Campus also provides tailored trainings for departments and programs including

  • Violence Prevention and Response
  • Building Healthy Workplaces

 Academic Student Employees
Academic Student Employees can also reach out to their union representative.
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