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Industry & Alumni

Employer info sessions

Host on-campus interviews and information sessions for Human Centered Design & Engineering undergraduate and graduate students.

On-campus information sessions range from one to two hours long and consist of a company presentation where current employees explain the values and mission of the company, current projects, company culture and their hiring process; followed by a Q&A and an opportunity for students to network with recruiters or HCDE alumni working at the company.

Suggested tips for a successful information session 

  • Provide HCDE with a general description of who from your company will attend, what roles you are looking to fill and at what level, and what (if anything) you expect students to bring.
  • Provide hand-outs at the event that include detailed job descriptions and instructions for applying for open positions.
  • If you have HCDE graduates working at your company as employees or interns, try to involve them either as presenters at the event, or by asking them to promote the event via the HCDE social networks.
  • Students may be more comfortable if the event is informal. Consider holding the information session over the lunch hour and providing food.
  • Any signage you are able to bring to the event will help with day-of visibility. HCDE staff can help you display any signs or banners you bring.