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Current Students

Degree Requirements

Degree Requirements:
Before Autumn 2024

To graduate, students admitted to the HCDE bachelor's program prior to Autumn 2024 must complete 180 credits, including the following:

  • General Education Courses (88 credits minimum)
  • Engineering Fundamentals (12 credits)
  • Experiential Learning (4 credits)
  • HCDE Core Courses (41 credits)
  • HCDE Electives (25 credits)
  • Free (a.k.a. "General") Electives (as needed to complete 180 total credits)

Degree Requirements:
Autumn 2024 Onwards

To graduate, students admitted to the HCDE bachelor's program in Autumn 2024 and onwards must complete 180 credits, including the following:

  • General Education Courses (85 credits minimum)
  • Engineering Fundamentals (12 credits)
  • Experiential Learning (2 credits)
  • HCDE Core Courses (46 credits)
  • HCDE Electives (23 credits)
  • Free (a.k.a “General”) Electives (as needed to complete 180 total credits)