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Past Sustained Dialogue Groups

Autumn 2022

HCDE Sustained Dialogue: Returning to activities post-COVID mandates

The Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering is running the second iteration of a Sustained Dialogue Group focused on exploring experiences returning to largely in-person activities after COVID-related mandates have been lifted. All members of the HCDE community are encouraged to apply. Students can elect to enroll in two credits of optional DRG credit.

We are all navigating new norms and experiencing varied levels of comfort and discomfort since COVID-related mandates have lifted. In this Autumn 2022 dialogue group, we welcome you to bring your unique experiences and explore with others in the group. This dialogue will build over 9 weeks and requires participation from the same individuals each week.


  • The dialogue group will meet in-person weekly on either Tuesdays or Thursdays (based on applicant preference) from 10:30 a.m. - Noon. The meetings will be in Sieg Building.
  • Applicants must commit to attending all 9 weeks if you wish to participate. 
  • Students can elect to enroll in two credits of optional DRG credit, in which weekly reflection assignments will be required.
  • This group will be moderated by Sourojit (G) Ghosh, an HCDE PhD student trained in facilitation by the Sustained Dialogue Institute.
  • Applicants will be notified by Friday, Oct. 7 and meetings will start the following week. 

Spring 2022

HCDE Sustained Dialogue: Experiences returning to in-person campus activities

The Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering is running a new Sustained Dialogue Group focused on experiences returning to largely in-person classes and activities, as COVID-related mandates begin to relax. All members of the HCDE community are encouraged to apply. Students can elect to enroll in two credits of optional DRG credit.
About this group
As UW resumes largely in-person classes and activities, we are all navigating new norms and experiencing varied levels of comfort (and discomfort). In this Spring 2022 dialogue group, we welcome you to bring your unique experiences and explore with others in the group as everyone navigates this in real time. This dialogue will build over 9 weeks, and requires participation from the same individuals each week. 

This group will be moderated by Sourojit (G) Ghosh and Meg Moldestad, HCDE PhD students trained in facilitation by the Sustained Dialogue Institute. We are seeking applicants from all backgrounds to create a diverse dialogue group across the “big 10” social identities of socioeconomic status and class, race and ethnicity, citizenship, colonial history and national origin, sex and gender, sexual orientation, disability, political affiliation, religion, and age.

Winter 2022

Sustained Dialogue on campus safety

Sourojit Ghosh (G), HCDE PhD student
Kathleen Rascon, Director of Academic Services

Meeting time and date:
Wednesdays, 1-2:30 p.m. (beginning January 12)
332 Sieg Building

According to our recent HCDE community survey, the return to campus has elevated new concerns around campus safety. Through a 10-week series of dialogue, this group aims to build community through sharing personal stories and experiences related to campus safety and work together toward shared action. 
The dialogue group will explore questions such as: What does campus safety mean to you? How do class schedules and accessibility play a role in safety? What aspects of identity contribute to feeling more or less safe on campus? What role should the institution play in creating a safe environment, and what does that look like?
This group will be moderated by Sourojit Ghosh (G), HCDE PhD student, and Kathleen Rascon, Director of Academic Services, both trained in facilitation by the Sustained Dialogue Institute. We are seeking applicants from all backgrounds to create a diverse dialogue group across the “big 10” social identities of socioeconomic status and class, race and ethnicity, citizenship, colonial history and national origin, sex and gender, sexual orientation, disability, political affiliation, religion, and age.
The group will meet weekly in winter quarter on Wednesday afternoons, from 1-2:30 p.m. (January 12 – March 9).
If you are interested in this opportunity, please apply here by 3 p.m. PT on Friday, January 7. You must commit to attending all 9 weeks if you wish to participate. Students can elect to enroll in two credits of optional DRG credit. Credit is not required to participate in the Sustained Dialogue group on Campus Safety. To earn credit, registered students will be required to submit an end of the quarter reflection paper. 

Autumn 2021

Sustained Dialogue on allyship and advocacy

This 9-week dialogue group welcomes members of the HCDE community to come together in conversation about how to be an ally and an advocate for others who hold different identities than your own.

Through an ongoing series of dialogue, participants will learn from one another as they share unique experiences related to identity.

Who: Open to all HCDE students; 15 participants max.
Facilitators: HCDE PhD student Sourojit Ghosh (G) and HCDE Professor Jennifer Turns
When: Weekly in autumn quarter, timing based on responses of applicants
Format: May be in-person or remote, based on applicant preferences
Application: If you are interested in participating in the Autumn 2021 dialogue group, please complete this application form by Thursday, Sept. 30 at end of day. Because the dialogue sessions build on one another, participation in all 9 sessions is required to be admitted.

About Sustained Dialogue in HCDE

HCDE's Sustained Dialogue program works to create community change by building powerful relationships across differences. Our SD program runs dialogue groups, which meet weekly all quarter. Participating in these groups means you will:

  • Learn how to dialogue in tough conversations or moments of disagreement
  • Learn more about your own identities and the identities of others in the HCDE community
  • Learn leadership skills that will help you in your future career
  • Develop empathy for others in our community
  • Learn how to resolve conflicts with a diverse group through building and repairing relationships
  • Become more connected and invested in the HCDE community