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Beyond Land Acknowledgement

What is a Land Acknowledgement?

Within the Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering (HCDE), there is a strong practice of acknowledging that we exist, teach, and learn upon the unceded lands of the Duwamish and Coast Salish people, who are still here. However, practicing the HCDE Guiding Principle of “Thoughtful Impact” implies that we should strive to go beyond simply acknowledging the land we are on, and adopt practices in our classrooms that give back to the communities of Indigenous people to whom the land belongs.

A Land Acknowledgment is “an effort to recognize the Indigenous past, present, and future of a particular location and to understand our own place within that relationship.” (NativeOrg) These are usually written/spoken statements, commonly at the start of events or meetings. Land Acknowledgments may also be problematic, because the task of crafting them often falls upon Indigenous people, who are then required to perform additional emotional and cognitive labor that they did not sign up for. Furthermore, some Indigenous organizations are slightly critical of Land Acknowledgments, considering lip service by those in power who could do better to support Indigenous prosperity with tangible resources and allyship.

What is an example of a Land Acknowledgment for UW and Seattle?

For the University of Washington, UW Libraries recommends: “The University of Washington acknowledges the Coast Salish peoples of this land, the land which touches the shared waters of all tribes and bands within the Suquamish, Tulalip and Muckleshoot nations.” For the city of Seattle, the organization for the Duwamish Tribe recommends the following: “I would like to acknowledge that we are on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People past and present and honor with gratitude the land itself and the Duwamish Tribe.”

How do we craft Land Acknowledgments?

If you want to use a Land Acknowledgment at UW, consider using one of the two statements above. Beyond this, consider reaching out to Indigenous organizations, but be aware of the emotional labor that you are asking of them. Be prepared to be told no, and offer appropriate and fair compensation for their work. 

What can we do beyond Land Acknowledgments?

Consider impacts of settler-colonial legacies on curriculum

A large portion of curriculum in American schools and colleges reflect the ideologies of settlers and promote the erasure of Indigenous cultures. As educators, course designers and teachers, reflect upon how the readings and course materials you are working with might be upholding these ideologies and consider moving towards materials that center Indigenous lived experiences or epistemologies.

Honor indigenous epistemologies

Following on from above, acknowledging the impacts of settler-colonial legacies on American curricula could lead to recognizing, valuing and empowering Indigenous epistemologies. This includes both ways of knowing such as Oral Traditions and frameworks such as Two-Eyed Seeing. At the same time, it is important to recognize who can or should adopt or teach such epistemologies, to avoid appropriating or co-opting methods that are not one’s own. 

Listen, reflect, show up, be an advocate

Land Acknowledgements must not simply be a form of checkbox allyship, but represent a continued commitment from individuals and organizations to contribute towards Indigenous welfare (NativeOrg). Central to this continued commitment is a promise to do the following:

  • Actively listen to Indigenous people for their needs
  • Evaluate tangible progress
  • Attend and consistently support meetings and protests for the rights of Indigenous peoples
  • Acknowledge your own position in these spaces, ensuring the spotlight stays on Indigenous speakers and advocates who are experts in their experiences.

Pay rent

Local tribes need funding for cultural initiatives, community programs, and education. Real Rent Duwamish accepts monthly donations for the Duwamish Tribe Longhouse & Cultural Center, supporting community events.

Donate to mutual aid

Mutual aid is a network to exchange resources and services. It is a great way to take direct action and support individuals within indigenous communities. Here are a few mutual aid networks to check out: Indigenous Mutual Aid, Get Native Kids on Bikes, and Covid-19 Mutual Aid Seattle.

Support Native-owned businesses

Buying from local, Native-owned businesses supports Native employees, artists, and tribes. Here are some Seattle-based businesses to spend on: Native Candies (Wild caught salmon, smoked salmon, and huckleberry jam), Off the Rez (Frybread and Indian tacos) and Eighth Generation (Wool blankets, scarves, and art). 


This resources on this page are a part of HCDE’s Inclusive Teaching Toolkit and were created and combined by HCDE’s DEI Committee.

About DEI Committee