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Humans of HCDE: Winnie Hou

Winnie Hou in front of black background

Winnie Hou
Master's Student
Human Centered Design & Engineering

Tell us something about yourself.

This past summer, I was a product design intern at Duolingo. I was given an opportunity to design merch for my team, Duolingo Max. I co-designed a t-shirt with a brand designer. The feedback I got was so amazing that Duolingo ended up printing the shirt for everyone in the monetization team!!! Can't believe 200 people are wearing my design :)

What do you like most about studying HCDE?

The HCDE community has given me a second chance to meet people with similar interests through school.

What are you listening to right now?

~🎵 Del Water Gap 🎵~

Where would you take someone who is visiting Seattle?

Ballard Old Town!

Where can we learn more about you?

My website.


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