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Humans of HCDE: Flynn Robinson

Flynn Robinson smiling at the camera

Flynn Robinson
Master's Student
Human Centered Design & Engineering

Tell us something about yourself.

I'm really interested in doing research for unconventional interfaces such as VR/XR or human-robot interaction! Specifically, the creative thinking and novel problem solving required has me interested in specializing in human-robot interaction after taking the course offered in the department by Dr. Elin Björling.

What do you like most about studying HCDE?

The range of interests both students and faculty have within the department is really inspiring. It makes it way more easy to explore your interests if you haven't been able to before.

How do you describe HCDE when people ask what you are studying?

We study how people interact and use technology, and work towards improving technology's usability for everybody.

Where did you grow up?

I moved around a lot, but have spent most of life in West Virginia.

Where would you take someone who is visiting Seattle?

Golden Gardens up north by Crown Hill. Its wonderful to swim in Puget Sound in the summer, and watch boats pass by in the winter.

What do you do for work?

I'm a part time bartender on the side while I'm a full time student.

What type of industry do you hope to work in once you graduate?

Doing research in industry with robotics or VR/XR would be my dream! But the entire HCD field is incredible and I have a lot of other interests; such AI, interaction design, and others.

What is your favorite way to de-stress?

I'm big into playing video games in my down time, or having a movie night with friends!

Where can we learn more about you?

My LinkedIn or my portfolio website.


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