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Keith Butler

Research Scientist

Sieg Hall, Room 208
UW HCDE Box 352315, Seattle, WA 98195
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Keith Butler is a retired Principal Research Scientist from the department of Human Centered Design & Engineering, and the Principal Investigator for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality's project on workflow modeling for clinical health IT. Keith Butler is one of the originators of the field of usability engineering, lead author of the ISO standard for usability testing that was recently adapted for EHR certification, and a member of NASA’s standing research review panel on space human factors. 

Before joining the University of Washington, Butler was a Technical Fellow in Boeing Math & Computing Technology, and Director of Future Products and Architecture in Microsoft Global Services Automation. He holds a PhD in cognitive phsychology and quantitative research methods from Tufts University.

Specialties: clinical workflow; clinical healthcare informatics; information architecture; design tools and methods; usability design; interactive problem solving; scheduling web experiments; advanced information architecture; user interfaces specializing in search; ontology modeling.