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Murtaza Ali, PhD
Murtaza Ali

Human-Computer Interaction; Human-Centered Data Science; Visualization; Education

Negin Alimohammadi, PhD
Negin Alimohammadi

Human Computer Interaction, Computer Supported Cooperative Work

Alyse Marie Allred, PhD
Alyse Marie Allred

transformative fandom, digital art communities, social computing, creative community work

Victoria Amoroso, MS
Victoria Amoroso

UX research, healthcare, design ethics, inclusive, visual and accessible design

McKane Andrus, PhD
McKane Andrus

Data Justice; Data Activism; Critical Technical Practices; Abolitionism

Jessica Applegate, MS
Jessica Applegate

Public health, accessibility, urban design/planning, social system dynamics, internet of things (IoT), and healthcare.

Kyra Arnett, PhD
Kyra Arnett

Quantification and metrics; science and technology studies; public health; global health

Tricia Aung, PhD
Tricia Aung

Global Health (measurement, data visualization for policy, evaluation, product development); Nutrition; Social Epidemiology; Health Equity

Adiza Awwal, PhD
Adiza Awwal

Critical misinformation and disinformation studies; Computer-supported cooperative work; Social media research

Bhoomika Bangalore Rajeeva, MS
Bhoomika Bangalore Rajeeva

Designing socio-technical systems to enhance collaboration and trust in complex environments through human-centered research.

Jeffrey Basoah, PhD
Jeffrey Basoah

Sociotechnical Implications, Responsible AI/ML, Data-Driven Solutions to Mitigate Racial Biases

Michael Beach, PhD
Michael Beach

Critical Design, Speculative Design, Design Justice, Eco-Social Justice, More-than-Human Concepts, Decolonizing Design, HCI, STS

Gabrielle Benabdallah, PhD
Gabrielle Benabdallah

human-computer interaction; design inquiry; critical theory

Lesha Bhansali, UCD
Lesha Bhansali

Product design, workplace UX, storytelling, user centered, delightful experiences

Sayan Bhattacharjee, PhD
Sayan Bhattacharjee

HCI and Infrastructure; Science and Technology Studies; Decolonial Computing; Critical Caste and Technology Studies; Synthetic Media

Ria Vijay Bhupalam, MS
Ria Vijay Bhupalam

Human-Computer Interaction, Service Design, Accessibility, Product Design, Sustainablility

Alainna Brennan Brown, PhD
Alainna Brennan Brown

Design in austere medical environments, comparative epistemology, invisible power in design/practice/the mundane, phenomenological ethics

Hyeonjeong Byeon, PhD
Hyeonjeong Byeon

Human-Computer Interaction, Human-AI Interaction, Generative AI, Social Computing, Healthcare

Thalo Campbell, BS
Thalo Campbell
René Capella, PhD
René Capella

transition design, ontological design, generativity, discursive design

Angela Chan, MS
Angela Chan
Vatsal Chandel, BS
Vatsal Chandel

Human-Computer Interaction; UI/UX; Software Engineering; Data Science

Michelle Chang, PhD
Michelle Chang

Physical computing, computer vision, creative technology, living materials, responsive environments, posthuman design.

Carolyn Chen, MS
Carolyn Chen

climate technology, design for justice and social good, international design, food science, public art, AAPI advocacy,

Jordan Cheung, BS
Jordan Cheung

Accessibility; Human-Computer Interaction; Design Thinking; Programming; Web Design; Product Design; Space Planning

Kshitij Chhabra, MS
Kshitij Chhabra

HCI, Accessibility, AI

Soobin Cho, PhD
Soobin Cho

Human Computer Interaction, Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Social Computing

Gina Clepper, PhD
Gina Clepper

Human-computer interaction; Accessibility; Digital fabrication; Touch perception

Leslie Coney, PhD
Leslie Coney

HCI, Black maternal health and health equity

Allyson Dang, BS
Allyson Dang

UX/UI Design, Inclusive Design, Human-Computer Interaction, Web Design, Prototyping

Aayushi Dangol, PhD
Aayushi Dangol

practical approaches to fairness and inclusion in AI, human interaction with data

Nisha Devasia, PhD
Nisha Devasia

Human-computer interaction; transformative games; narrative games for education; games for wellness

Priya Dhawka, PhD
Priya Dhawka

Human-Computer Interaction, Information Visualization, Data Justice

Sydney Drever, MS
Sydney Drever
Haneen El-haj, MS
Haneen El-haj

UX research, accessibility, inclusivity, environmental design, intersection of society + technology in design

Sara Farhat, MS
Sara Farhat

Ethical design, Environmental design, urban planning and design, smart design, architecture, illustrations, mindfull design

Kevin Feng, PhD
Kevin Feng


Yanxi Feng, BS
Yanxi Feng

Human-Computer Interaction; Data Science; Product Management; Accessibility Design, UX/UI Design.

Andrea Figueroa, PhD
Andrea Figueroa

Human Centered Data Science, Data Visualization

Anoolia (Anny) Gakhokidze, PhD
Anoolia (Anny) Gakhokidze
Sourojit Ghosh, PhD
Sourojit Ghosh

Human-Centered Data Science, Human-Centered Recommender Systems, Human-Centered Machine Learning

Bingcan Guo, MS
Bingcan Guo

Human-AI Interaction, Social Computing, Learning Sciences.

Meghna Gupta, PhD
Meghna Gupta

Human-Computer Interaction, Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Healthcare, Gender, Future of Work

Brett Halperin, PhD
Brett Halperin

HCI, Design, Critical AI, Cinema & Media Studies, Labor & Social Movement Organizing

Zahra Hassan, BS
Zahra Hassan

HCI, DEI, Education

Neilly Herrera Tan, PhD
Neilly Herrera Tan

personal data; IoT; privacy; discursive design

Josephine Hoy, PhD
Josephine Hoy

Participatory Design; community & civic technology; tech worker organizing; computing histories, cultures, & narratives; physical computing

Irene Huang, BS
Irene Huang

Human-computer Interaction; Interaction Design; UX/UI

Adam Hyland, PhD
Adam Hyland

inter-organizational coordination; IEEE-754; safety management systems; history of computing

Lucy Jiang, PhD
Lucy Jiang

Accessibility, Human-Computer Interaction, Social Computing, Human-AI Collaboration

Ridley Jones, PhD
Ridley Jones

social media; human-computer interaction

Avleen Kaur, MS
Avleen Kaur

Human-Computer Interaction; UX Research; Product Design; Accessibility; Health & Wellness; Computer-Supported Cooperative Work; Frontend Dev

Georgia Kenderova, PhD
Georgia Kenderova

human-computer interaction, personal Informatics, storytelling for self-transformation

Os Keyes, PhD
Os Keyes

data ethics, algorithmic injustice, gender, trans issues

Zarine Kharazian, PhD
Zarine Kharazian

Misinformation; social networks; online communities; computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW)

Brian Kinnee, PhD
Brian Kinnee

Design, HCI, IoT, HCI, Design Research, STS, First-person Research, Design Methods

Susanna Lammervo, PhD
Susanna Lammervo

Public Transportation; Computer Supported Cooperative Work; Collaborative Systems; Human Factors; Community-based Design

Nayoung Lee, MS
Nayoung Lee

VR/AR; Generative AI; Human-Computer Interaction; Qualitative and Quantitative Research; User Testing; Accessibility; Inclusive Design

Tiffany Li, MS
Tiffany Li
Anna Lindner, PhD
Anna Lindner

Research Interests: Human-computer Interaction, AR Face Filters, Behavior Change in Online contexts, Social Media/Platforms, Mental Health

Samuel Lopez, BS
Samuel Lopez
Juan Lopez Flores, MS
Juan Lopez Flores

Architect turned Human Centered Designer. Passionate about human connections and bridging gaps towards an equitable future for all.

Caitie Lustig, PhD
Caitie Lustig

human-computer interaction, computer supported cooperative work, science and technology studies, critical algorithm studies

Nina Lutz, PhD
Nina Lutz

Visual media online; Online harm; Mis/disinformation; Sociotechnical systems; Visual research; Social media research

Keri Mallari, PhD
Keri Mallari

Online Communities; Human-Computer Interaction; Feedback Exchange; Content Creators / Influencers

Melinda McClure Haughey, PhD
Melinda McClure Haughey

social media analysis; human-computer interaction; information interpretation

Itzel Medina, MS
Itzel Medina

Information visualization, Visual communication, Accessibility and inclusive design.

Alix Medler, MS
Alix Medler

Digital ethics; the philosophy of technology + information; privacy, security and surveillance in online spaces; and accessible design

Rebecca Michelson, PhD
Rebecca Michelson

Human-Computer Interaction, Women's Health, Applied Ethnography

Courtney Mills, UCD
Courtney Mills
Meg Moldestad, PhD
Meg Moldestad

Healthcare; equity; mental health; (dis)ability; systems engineering

Catherine Most, MS
Catherine Most
Ko Motonaga, MS
Ko Motonaga

Human-computer interaction; Emerging Technologies; Artificial Intelligence; Product Management; Data Visualization

Niharthi Muddada, MS
Niharthi Muddada

Human-Computer Interaction, Interaction design, Phygital design, Accessibility, Mixed Reality and AI

Meena Muralikumar, PhD
Meena Muralikumar

Human Computer Interaction; Human-centered AI

Vishnupriya Napa Ravikumar, PhD
Vishnupriya Napa Ravikumar

Human-Computer Interaction; Human-Centered Data Science; Human-Centered Entrepreneurship; Urban Informatics; Women in STEM, Entrepreneurship

Nirmal Kuttappa Nayada, MS
Nirmal Kuttappa Nayada

Human-Computer Interaction; AI; Healthcare; Space.

Michelle Nguyen, BS
Michelle Nguyen

Human-Computer Interaction; Product Design; Gaming; Physical & Mental Wellness; Education

Michelle Northfield, MS
Michelle Northfield

UX Design, Product Management

Anita Nwude-Chenge, MS
Anita Nwude-Chenge

Product Design; Health and Wellness Design; AI UX Design; Accessible and Inclusive Design

Sua Oh, MS
Sua Oh

UX design; User Research; Education

Erik Onsager, BS
Erik Onsager

Data Science, Machine Learning, UX/UI

John Porter, PhD
John Porter

Human-computer interaction; Accessibility & assistive technology design; Inclusive design; Interaction design for games

Jiatao Quan, BS
Jiatao Quan

HCI, Computer Vision, UX Research, UI Design, Psychology

Lubna Razaq, PhD
Lubna Razaq

Human-Computer Interaction; Computer Supported Collaborative Works; Social Computing; Financial Technologies; HCI4D;

Adrian Rodriguez, PhD
Adrian Rodriguez

Augmented Reality, Accessibility, Sonic UX

Nichole Sams, PhD
Nichole Sams

Human-Computer Interaction; Mental Health; Subjective Measurement; Personal Informatics; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Saksham Saxena, MS
Saksham Saxena

Human-Computer Interaction, Product Management, Visual Design, Accessibility, Generative AI

Joseph Schafer, PhD
Joseph Schafer

Human-Computer Interaction; CSCW; Social media; Disinformation; Online attention; Influencers

Ruoxi Shang, PhD
Ruoxi Shang

Human-AI Interaction, Trust, Human-centered Explainable AI

Sushma Shankar, BS
Sushma Shankar

Human-Computer Interaction, Product Design, Machine Learning, UI/UX, Computer Science, Education

Donghoon Shin, PhD
Donghoon Shin

Human-computer interaction; Generative AI; Translational science, Conversational AI; Creativity support tool; Healthcare

Rafael Silva, PhD
Rafael Silva

Human Computer Interaction; Immersive Technology (AR/VR/MX); Design Methods

Kulbir Singh, BS
Kulbir Singh

AI System Design, CSCW, HCI,

Pitch Sinlapanuntakul, PhD
Pitch Sinlapanuntakul

human-computer interaction; design; emerging technologies; UX

Samuel So, PhD
Samuel So

Human-computer interaction; design research; personal data

Warisha Soomro, MS
Warisha Soomro

underserved communities, physical devices

Kelsey Sorrell, MS
Kelsey Sorrell

UX Research; Digital Health; Behavioral Design

Bianca Stiles, BS
Bianca Stiles
Blair Subbaraman, PhD
Blair Subbaraman

human-computer interaction; design research

Will Sutherland, PhD
Will Sutherland
Laura Jo Swartley, PhD
Laura Jo Swartley

Adults learning online, equity of access, forming communities of inquiry and practice online, information overload

Joice Tang, PhD
Joice Tang

HCI; social computing; design/research justice; self-governance and co-production; community care and solidarity

Vivian Tu, BS
Vivian Tu

Human-Computer Interaction, UX/UI Design, Digital Art/Calligraphy & Hand Lettering!

Logan Tuttle, BS
Logan Tuttle

User Research, Information Visualization, Human Centered Data Science, software for professionals, Financial software, real estate software.

Hannah Twigg-Smith, PhD
Hannah Twigg-Smith

Digital Fabrication; Makerspaces; Human-Computer Interaction

Julie Vera, PhD
Julie Vera

Social computing; online communities; moderation; prosocial behavior

Mia Vong, BS
Mia Vong
Shengzhi Wang, PhD
Shengzhi Wang
Claire Florence Weizenegger, PhD
Claire Florence Weizenegger

Using a critical lens, I'm interested in how emerging (smart) technologies impact social dynamics.

Samantha Wobst, MS
Samantha Wobst

Design thinking; human-centered systems thinking; product management; clean energy; utility management; government services

Jessica Wysor, MS
Jessica Wysor

Human Computer Interaction, Inclusive and Accessible Design, UI/UX Design, Healthcare

Cynthia Xin, MS
Cynthia Xin

Product Design; UX Design; Human-Computer Interaction; Storytelling

Haoran Xu, MS
Haoran Xu
Ben Yamron, MS
Ben Yamron

Social technologies; inclusive design and design justice; implications of technology on society, politics, health, culture

Anika Yechuri, BS
Anika Yechuri

I am interested in user-driven design and human-computer interaction. I would love to work as a UX/UI designer one day!

Hoon Yu, BS
Hoon Yu
Yihan Yu, PhD
Yihan Yu
Gahui Yun, MS
Gahui Yun

Human-Computer Interaction; UX Research; Posthumanist HCI; Speculative Design; Femtech.

Mina Zavary, PhD
Mina Zavary

Data, Education/Learning, Co-design, Power and Intersectionality, Community-created tools/websites

Runkai Zhang, BS
Runkai Zhang
Lotus Zhang, PhD
Lotus Zhang

Accessibility, Health Informatics, Multi-modality

Grace Zhang, BS
Grace Zhang

Information Visualization, Brain-computer interface, Human-Computer Interaction

Ruican Zhong, PhD
Ruican Zhong

Behavior Change, Responsible AI, Human-Centered AI System, Recommendation Systems, Ubiquitous Computing

Lanyi Zhu, UCD
Lanyi Zhu